OBDXplorer First Release v1.0.0.0

Categories: Update

We are VERY excited for our first diagnostic application release, OBDXplorer. This has been designed for monitoring live engine and transmission information including fault code analysis for General Motor vehicles. This can be downloaded directly from our downloads page: https://obdxpro.com/downloads

OBDXplorer utilises GM specific diagnostic routines for professional diagnostic capabilities and functionality. We have designed the application to seamlessly connect and detect vehicles, along with automatically identifcying all supported parameters and functionality of the connected vehicle.

To top it off, OBDXplorer uses a modern dash display and advanced graphing functionality to give you the best possible data monitoring experience. We also have future expansion for histograms and live data replays.

This current release currently supports the OBDX Pro VT and OBDX Pro GT scantools, and currently supports all GM vehicles which utilize the VPW protocol (P01,P59,P04,P05,P10,P12 ECUs). Our next release will introduce support for CAN protocol (E38, E67, E39, E55, E92, E98, E40 ect) which will be available when using our latest OBDX GT scantool.

After our GM CAN update, we will be looking for requests for other manufactures to support!

This application is free for all OBDX Pro scantool owners, along with free updates for its entire lifetime.